Jamal Prime Inc

+1 770-527-7913
2759 Delk Rd, Marietta, GA 30067, USA

Publishing & Sharing Product Roadmaps

Have You Heard Me Talk About Product Roadmaps? I may have told you in a previous conversation that I would never provide a product roadmap. I reiterated the statement during a meeting today. It’s possible that you’ll conclude that I detest roadmaps, but that’s not accurate. It’s also possible that you believe that I believe a product plan should never be shared or published, albeit that is also partially untrue. Before we begin, there is a question we need to address. What Kind of Product Roadmap Are We Talking About? We must be clear about our intentions before posing a “do you” or “don’t you” question. Typically, when one discusses a roadmap, two elements come to mind:   A list of features Delivery dates of those features If you mean something like that when you talk about a product roadmap, then I would advise against sharing that kind of roadmap. Why do I advise against disclosing that information? I can personally attest to three of the following reasons: If your list doesn’t include their request, customer may become irate Giving clients the option to express their wishes to you is a terrific concept, but if that feature disappears off your roadmap, you may have a significant problem on your hands. It doesn’t take long for complaints, rage, irritation, and cancellations to surface. Competitors may anticipate your moves and outmanoeuvre you. It is never a good idea to tell your rivals where you are headed rather than where you have been. Product roadmaps are among the tools that seasoned rivals can use to guide their own efforts, much like job postings or available positions. . Prospects see something is in the future and delay their purchase A public roadmap’s objective is frequently to engage and entice new users to register. However, if your prospects determine that they’ll just come back later, it might occasionally work against you. keep in mind that this does not even account for the possibility of missing your date, which might occur and affect any of the above situations. What Kind of Roadmap Do I Suggest Publishing? Although I oppose the publication of characteristics and dates, I am amenable to something alternative. When I informed you about roadmap themes, you saw this picture. It isn’t precisely the same, is it? It appears to be a product roadmap, for sure. However, there are no dates listed. It is mostly a representation of quarters. There aren’t any features either. Rather, it presents topics. You can more clearly communicate your focus on upgrades, differentiators, and other things by using product roadmap themes. (You’re free to utilise themes I didn’t use.) However, it does not prepare you for those annoying dynamics mentioned earlier. So sure, I’m all for sharing it if you’re talking about a theme-based roadmap without any deadlines. nonetheless, it’s not your typical product roadmap. Those have the potential to harm you more than they do good, in my opinion.   That is, of course, the experience of one individual. Your mileage might be different. Roadmaps are a team sport, as I stated previously. Thus, involve your group and choose what is most effective for you.    
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Running Shared Hosting? Then You Need This…

Is Your WordPress Site on Shared Hosting? You probably expect me to advise switching to managed hosting if you have a WordPress website hosted on shared hosting. However, I’m not. Today, I’d want to discuss a plugin that is, hands down, the simplest way to speed up your website. Well, that’s a hefty assertion. The simplest way to increase the speed of your shared hosting WordPress website. What is Cache? Customers can avoid waiting for the server to retrieve slow resources (like databases) by using caching (and caching plugins), which make copies of the content that is most frequently visited and store it for use in future requests. When a new visitor requests a page from your website, WordPress typically processes their request using PHP and SQL to assemble the content for the user to see. The HTML that was previously built is stored in a cache and is made accessible to subsequent requests. Response times become extremely quick as a result. Why Use a Caching Plugin? Why is using a caching plugin recommended? It’s easy. to make your website faster. One of the quickest ways to improve the speed at which your website loads is by caching, aside from image compression. Better Google page speed scores follow from this. It is sure to excite consumers and might even boost the ranking of your content in Google search results.   Most Caching Plugins Are Complex The problem with shared hosting is that the resources you can use are frequently restricted, and some cache plugins aren’t very reliable. The fact that caching plugins frequently have five to ten configuration pages full of settings you need to adjust in order for caching to function presents another difficulty. The issue with that is that you might not even be aware of what all the settings and choices do if you’re not an expert on caches. It’s been known that some plugins can slow down your website only because you configured it wrong.   If You’re On Shared Hosting, Here’s What You Need The WordPress repository contains an enormous number of caching plugins. But keep in mind that I promised to share the simplest one at the beginning of this essay. Recently, Surge was released by a seasoned WordPress developer. It’s free. It is fast. It works on shared hosting. It’s not the simplest way to speed up your WordPress website on shared hosting, though. That’s because there are absolutely no settings! As I’ve already mentioned, I love Nitro. It’s not free, though. It also contains settings; you can still access the settings page even if you choose to have only one option handle everything for you. Surge is not like that. You’re done after installing it and turning on the plugin. To make it function, there is nothing else you need to do. I think that’s quite remarkable.  
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Having Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations Aren’t About the Words I don’t know about you, but I get sweaty during tough talks. They aggravate me. However, I’ve encountered enough of them over the years to be aware of three things:   They’re going to happen. They’re never about the thing being discussed. You can actually get better at them.   What is is the first truth. However, it’s worthwhile to pause and investigate the second. That exchange when a client wants to dispute the charge because they don’t agree with it? Money is not the main concern. Money is never the main factor. They eventually started to feel ignored, undervalued, and irrelevant, which made them miserable. That’s the main idea here. Icy reaction or cold shoulder? It might have nothing to do with the previous exchange. Alternatively, it could have to do with recently found facts or a feeling that the truth was concealed. It’s rarely, if ever, about what you first believe it to be or what they claim it’s about. Fortunately, you can improve your ability to handle challenging interactions and avoid being frozen, locked up, or retreating within yourself. Pause on the Facts, Emotions are Key One fact that relates to what I said in my last paragraph is that most difficult talks don’t truly centre on the facts. We’d like to think so. Frequently, we rely on the facts in the hopes that they will support our position. However, facts have little to nothing to do with a difficult talk. It’s not simply about feelings. They are the main force. After all, it’s simple to assume good intent when there is no disagreement. It starts to be helpful when there is a real obstacle. And accepting that challenge means trying to emotionally connect in addition to assuming good intent. Did you try to walk in their shoes? Have you considered what might have actually injured them? And how examining the murkier side of the equation might help you earn respect and trust. Eliminate Blame and Embrace Narratives Working with clients in the agency business may lead to discussions about that latest bill. or the subsequent milestone payment. All of a sudden, you’re having a discussion about how your employees haven’t performed up to par. Most of us, of course, have anecdotes about all the missteps our clients have made. Now is not the moment to assign blame. Rather, concentrate on the aspect of their story that you can accept. More context is always helpful. The majority of circumstances are significantly more intricate than the short story we tell ourselves. So delve in and learn more about the background. This will assist you in converting your basic 2D representations of their “side” into accurate 3D representations of what transpired. Steve, my friend and Zeek’s owner, is really gracious about this. He will enter a meeting with one goal in mind: to comprehend the circumstances and any previously unknown portions of the narrative. He approaches with the working hypothesis that there’s more for him to learn, and then he uses that to serve his customers better. Remember, That You Can Improve at Tough Conversation My buddy Jennifer Bourn is one of my favourite people in the world because she’s had so many difficult talks. She stays out of their way. Similar to Steve, she approaches every encounter with the intention of improving rather than winning. The other day, we were discussing this in relation to agency owners and the difficult talks they must have—almost every day. I then made the decision to interview her. Additionally, you can register (it’s free) to hear me ask her all the hard questions regarding difficult talks and to receive access to the scripts she has prepared so you won’t be caught off guard. This Thursday is the webinar, titled “Why didn’t I think of that?” and it’s everything you, as an agency owner, wish you had known how to say when things became bad.    
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There Are Two Kinds of People in The World

There Are Two Kinds of People The tweet that reads, “If you bought something that’s normally $1,000 and you paid $750, you didn’t save $250, you spent $750,” is probably one you’ve seen. Perhaps now you wouldn’t use the $750. But you could be caught if we tamper with the numbers. Because the majority of us persuade ourselves to spend the 65% or 75% when we notice a significant discount (such as 25% or 35% off). Why? since we are inspired by the presentation. Not only does it grab our interest, but it also activates the neural pathway that persuades us to accept the offer. But here’s the catch. After reading everything, you might have said to yourself, “That stuff never tricks me.” You would also be correct. because different people have different motivations. There are some who are “away” and those who are “towards.” Either you’re driven towards a goal or you’re driven away from an outcome. Furthermore, since there are two types of people, it is unlikely that one presentation strategy will be accepted by all. How Can You Tell Who is Who? Consider yourself speaking with a potential client as a freelancer or agency owner. It’s conceivable that you’ll wonder, “How would you define success?” You take that action as a result of years of experience teaching you to always match your work to the objectives of your clients. However, it’s also possible that you’ve heard—and perhaps even internalized—that your prospect was an away person or an approach person. just by the way they responded to the query. Towards answers sound like this: We want to be the market leader We want to drive growth by double digits We want to eliminate the competition Away answers sound like this: We need greater efficiency in our ad spend (stop wasting money) We need to lower our attrition / churn (stop customers from walking away) I don’t want people putting us in that category (stop being compared to xx) You are being told where one individual wants to go. They’re heading in the right direction. The other is expressing to you what they hope to eradicate or cease to exist. They’re fleeing (thankfully) from something. One has the drive to accomplish something. The other is attempting to prevent anything from occurring. Why Is This So Important? This is significant for more than simply independent contractors and businesses that offer services to clients. It’s also intended for those in product marketing. since they desire interesting stuff for all users. It is a fact that each of us has a default perspective on things. Our internal strategy (towards or away) guides our thought process while creating new items. However, you’ll probably lose half of your audience if you let your marketing strategy dictate how you go about things. It Matters How You Say Things Assume you are discussing your recent achievements with someone or draughting case studies. They could be expressed as follows: 75% Year over Year (YoY) increase in traffic 15% Revenue increase YoY 50% Increase in Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) We would probably consider all those outcomes to be fantastic. However, some people can be wary of accepting whatever they see that seems to solely be positive. They may use greater caution. So how could you modify the same outcomes? Eliminated 80% of website performance issues (driving high traffic growth) Streamlined delivery process, driving 15% savings to the bottom line Reduced ineffective marketing channels (increasing ROAS by 50%) Though fashioned differently, the story is the same. That’s what I’m arguing today. There are two types of individuals. They have distinct ways of hearing and listening. You still have the ability to access both of them, though. All you have to do is master two distinct storytelling techniques.    
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Master Google Ads in 2024: Unleash A/B Testing Power

Greetings from the ever-changing world of digital marketing, where the difference between success and obscurity in your Google AdWords ads is often quite slight. By 2024’s halfway point, it’s clear that A/B testing has developed from a simple analytical tool to a vital resource for digital marketers. We’re going to go on a quest to learn the importance of A/B testing and how it can help you boost your advertising this year. Gaining Perspective: The Intersection of Google Ads & A/B Testing You come across Google Ads when you conduct an online search. They are positioned strategically to link companies with prospective clients who are actively looking for their goods or services. However, it might be difficult to stand out when so many companies are using Google Ads. Let’s introduce split testing, or A/B testing. This experimental strategy lets you change one part of your advertising campaign while leaving other elements unchanged. This enables you to ascertain which version produces superior outcomes, offering insights that can enhance your campaigns and yield longer-lasting performance. Steps for Successful A/B Testing: A Deep Dive With the stage set for understanding Google Ads and A/B testing, let’s delve into the specific steps you can take to improve your Google Ads performance through A/B testing.     1. Creating Eye-Caching Ads Texts Words have a lot of power, especially when they are used in your advertisement content. Changing up the headlines, descriptions, or calls to action in your ads can significantly improve their effectiveness. By giving you the opportunity to experiment with different word combinations, A/B testing allows you to find the vocabulary that really connects with your audience.  2. Examining different landing page designs Your landing page is the first step towards turning potential consumers into devoted ones. Conversions are largely influenced by its layout, design, and content. By experimenting with different landing page elements, A/B testing helps you determine which configuration yields the highest conversion rates. Playing around with different ads formats Advertisers using Google Ads have access to a large range of ad forms, including text, picture, and video. This may be done through A/B testing, which gives you the chance to test out these various formats and determine which works best for your target demographic and campaign goals. Modifying your bid method The allocation of your advertising spend is determined by your bidding strategy. Experimenting with several strategies—manually and automatically—to determine which yields the highest return on investment is made possible by A/B testing. By optimising your ad budget, this iterative method can help your campaigns become more economical. Conclusion As 2024 progresses, it’s becoming more and more clear that A/B testing is essential to Google Ads campaigns that are effective. At JP Tech Communication, we use our extensive experience as a Google Ads agency to improve the effectiveness of your campaign. Together with our wealth of A/B testing knowledge, our dedication to assisting companies in navigating the challenging world of Google Ads enables us to provide solid and effective campaign strategies. Are you beginning to become excited about the potential of A/B testing? Are you eager to rework your Google AdWords ads in order to increase conversions and outcomes? Reach out to JP Tech Communication right now. Together, we can develop a strategic advertising plan that effectively communicates the goal of your company and yields remarkable, quantifiable outcomes.    
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Five Habits That Will Make You Smarter

Daily blogging requires self-control. It’s not as difficult as it seems. You wait to get up from your computer until your post is live. Yes, there are a few nuances, but that’s not the challenging part. Making an effort to be helpful is difficult. And that’s not even the most difficult aspect. Thinking clearly is the hardest part. possessing a particular concept that you wish to impart while also being useful. I have been spending this year doing just that. And it will just be ten days away! But when I considered all of that, I considered the relationship between coherence and clarity of ideas. I also want to share with you today the five behaviors that will increase your intelligence. Naturally, this is my take on the subject. You may have a different five. Anyway, let’s get into it…. First, Read Books & Articles   I developed the first habit a long time ago. It was more difficult then because it took some preparation to always have a book or two with you. You may now take an infinite number of articles and digital books with you everywhere you go thanks to your phone. I had to wait for my turn to get poked when I went to get my booster shot today. Ideal time to finish reading a book I’m currently enjoying. Reading allows you to see the genius of others. By reading, you can open your eyes to a new perspective on the world. Reading has the power to challenge and transform you like few other things. Thus, repeat it frequently. Second, Write Blog Posts Ideas will enter your head through reading. Moving ideas from inside your head to the outside is then the tricky part. That’s the purpose of blog entries. Even if no one else reads what you write, writing will improve your clarity of thought. [Tweet] “Writing clarifies your thoughts even if no one else reads it.” We are able to skip steps mentally. Even if we make a logical mistake, we are still able to go from one notion to another. since we are not required to “display our work.” My wife thinks my son is crazy as he enjoys mentally performing math problems. She is only asking that he display his efforts. It facilitates our ability to identify the areas in which he erred. Additionally it makes him better at math. This also applies to clear thinking and efficient communication. Learning to write helps us get better at all of that (and write more often).   Third, Present in Public This is the habit that most people are most afraid of out of the five that will make you smarter. I understand that it can be intimidating to speak in front of a big group of people. However, you don’t have to begin with a 3,000-person crowd. Begin by taking the risk to speak up and present at any meeting, even if there are only four of you there. Present your case. Create a pitch and deliver it. It’s more of the same thing I’ve already written about: it promotes mental clarity. Usually, we begin by stating a point and then get distracted. That distracts others and we never get to the end. Sometimes we even say, “What was my point?” In my view, becoming smarter has nothing to do with IQ or natural aptitude. It’s all about developing habits that anyone can acquire. And the first three—speaking, writing, and reading—are all essential practices that will advance your intelligence. Next, Connect with Community “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth,” as Mike Tyson famously quipped. When he was interviewed years later, he went into further detail on the famous phrase. The same, in my opinion, holds true for our concepts. We think they sound amazing. However, you won’t be able to tell if they’re any good until you introduce them into a community, where the concepts must withstand the criticism of others and their obstacles. Learning how to present your case, how to structure your presentation, and how to refute or strengthen your argument are all related to presenting ideas in a setting where you can get constructive criticism. You’ll become wiser, I promise. Finally, Guide & Educate Others The greatest was reserved for last. Seeking for routines that will improve your intelligence? There’s nothing that will accelerate your learning more than teaching it. It’s one of those things that sounds like I’m saying the same thing over and over again. [Tweet] “Teaching someone something is the best way to help them learn it.” Being “in our heads” all the time does not make us any smarter. The concepts must be communicated, and we must put them into a form for someone else so they can consume it. Most importantly, we get to discover if our idea is better applied elsewhere or if it works best in our own particular context when we assist someone else in learning something. Sharing it is a lot of fun once you figure it out. One of my favorite aspects of coaching is this. I can tell when someone has a “aha” moment when I give them a framework to think through an issue. Additionally, I get to experiment with the concept, idea, and presentation style while creating a new framework. These Five Habits Will Make You Smarter You can adopt these five different behaviors to improve your intelligence. All of this, however, really boils down to one fundamental idea: your ideas will develop when they are tested in the actual world.   As I conclude my year of daily writing and continue to plan for the upcoming year, I sincerely hope that some of these suggestions have significantly increased your intelligence.
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Great Introductions

The Art of a Great Introduction. I tweeted about generosity the other day. A way to provide without breaking the bank. It was all about making excellent introductions and networking. Here’s a way to be generous without costing your a penny: be willing to introduce amazing people to each other. It’s powerful, rewarding and free. — Chris Lema (@chrislema) You have a few minutes or a few phrases to tell everyone else what you know about the person you are introducing. Now is your chance to treat them with dignity. This is your opportunity to draw attention to important information. And now is your chance to make them shine. You see, we’ve all accomplished some amazing things. Each of us have certain unique qualities. When we draw attention to those things for other people, we not only help them feel more confident right now, but we also create the framework for how other people will view them. When you execute it well, people will pay attention. When done correctly, consumers are engaged and anticipate a good experience. And you can rapidly ruin the ambiance if you do it incorrectly. You can even make things more difficult for them, essentially putting them in a hole they’ll have to climb out of. Doing it Right So how do you introduce someone right? I think it comes down to three simple things. First, emphasise what makes each individual special. Don’t merely give someone your name and position while introducing them. That is not going to pique anyone’s interest or prepare them for anything. Make the individual you’re introducing feel special by emphasising one of their distinctive qualities. It will influence the way that people hear them. Second, highlight their achievements. Everyone enjoys having a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, it can aid in the discovery of common ground, which makes the person you are introducing feel more intimately connected to them right away. Thirdly, explain why it’s important to meet this individual. You can help someone concentrate on what’s important by concluding an introduction with what they can anticipate from this person when they interact with them or listen to them. What To Do When You Meet Someone This is my main recommendation. The next time you meet someone, stay in conversation with them until you discover something very fascinating about them. In this manner, you’ll constantly be prepared to introduce them to someone else in a fantastic method.
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The Anti-Pitch

“Dad, you’re crazy.” As a senior in high school, my daughter has feelings for multiple boys. Today one showed up, and they conversed. I asked her at dinner tonight if she planned to text him to maybe schedule a hangout for tomorrow. She appears to know more about the anti-pitch than a lot of the people I engage with in the WordPress community, based on the look I got. She is aware that the golden rule is to avoid appearing overly dependent. It’s perhaps more accurate to say “thirsty.” That’s why the anti-pitch is so powerful. “You were right.” I answered a Clarity call a few years back to address a person’s enquiries. Yes, I did. To be honest. However, they didn’t appreciate my response, primarily because it didn’t agree with their opinions. “You were right, even if I didn’t want you to be right,” they said when they phoned me back a year later. While I was grateful for the criticism, I had trouble recalling a conversation from a year ago. When they enquired about my coaching, I informed them that my fees were too high for their stage of development. I did not approach them. I pitched them down. I declined their offer. With grace. I even suggested other people for them to speak with. Similar to my daughter, their reply was along the lines of “you’re crazy.” Pitches Don’t Work Pitches don’t seem to be effective anymore. I believe their downfall began soon after Valentine’s Day in 2005. Yes, that is quite particular. But I don’t suppose we noticed if pitches were failing back then. It would take a few more years for YouTube to reach its current level of popularity. Though YouTube was established on February 14, 2005, we didn’t hear someone say, “I just looked it up on YouTube” for a little while. However, we now hear it constantly and everywhere. You may be wondering why I believe pitches are unsuccessful. And the answer is actually quite easy. It all comes down to information availability. Customers were left in the dark by the previous asymmetry, and those who were  doing the pitching with all the knowledge. The disparity is eliminated by having unrestricted access to knowledge and information. And with it, the pitch loses its significance. The know-it-alls and the know-nothings are not in the room. Everyone is an expert in everything. After a few searches, they can at least assume they do. Why Does the Anti-Pitch Work? Now don’t get me wrong, the anti-pitch isn’t the Heisman. I’m not suggesting you simply tell everyone no (that’s another post). The anti-pitch works for three reasons: People value honesty, and you’re being honest. They will reveal their BS detector if you tell them that everything is beautiful, amazing, awesome, and flawless. However, they will respect your candour if you are truthful about how difficult things will be, how costly they are, or any other information they need to know. People are grateful that you are helping them. The reverse psychology will take over and they’ll desire what they believe they can’t have even more than if you were marketing them when you offer other options that might be a better fit. And it’s just polite to be helpful with a list of options if you’re genuinely trying to say “no.” You’re emphasising your lack of dependency. People that are successful are able to choose who they do business with. People in need cannot. However, people would rather collaborate with prosperous people than those in need. You are flipping the roles with the anti-pitch. Who is making the pitch to whom? Not the case with you. Rather than the other way around, they are making a case to collaborate with you.   How Does the Anti-Pitch Work? The world in which we live is overrun with pitches. We are therefore on watch.   Because it moves in the opposite direction, the anti-pitch is energizing. We concentrate on the obstacles, difficulties, and outcomes that lie ahead of us rather than just the good things. This honesty is so unique, the contrast so striking, that it frequently astounds and delights others. The anti-pitch can sound like the “warning” I was just mentioning, or it can sound like a “no, not right now.” “I don’t think this is a perfect fit,” is what the message is trying to express. If I were you, I would act as follows. The goal of the anti-pitch is to be helpful, and even memorable, so that the door isn’t firmly closed. How Does the Anti-Pitch Sound?   Allow me to demonstrate two basic situations and the sound of the anti-pitch.   Alongside a Job Applicant   Our work is really demanding here. It will feel difficult, require a lot of focus, and require learning the subject. It won’t be simple.   You almost seem to be stating that you would prefer not to work here. You don’t say that, though. All you’re doing is pointing out the truthful details that others miss. Thus, when a potential employee weighs their options, you come across as the trustworthy one. Additionally, the challenge motivates someone who desires to push oneself. With a Potential Customer   We’re not the most affordable option in town, to be honest. I would be pleased to provide you with some options if you would want a less costly choice.   Once more, it seems as though you’re telling them to go somewhere else. However, you’re not. All you’re doing is informing them that this probably won’t work for them if price is their main deciding factor. People Often Come Back   I mentioned the caller a few years back to you. then gave another call. The fact that I wasn’t in pitch mode astounded them. Perhaps they thought that I would accept any customer, for any sum of money. They had never met me.   However, they phoned me back again a few months later to give me an update on their
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Enhancing WooCommerce (to work better with Learndash)

Don’t Let People Lie To You I recently learnt about a LearnDash customer who was advised to switch to a rival LMS since it integrates better with WooCommerce. It was absurd, wholly untrue, and relied on faulty reasoning to support its position. It is absurd to suggest that LearnDash and WooCommerce don’t operate well together. Here’s my suggestion, though, on how to make WooCommerce even more useful for LearnDash course developers.   Enhancing WooCommerce and the My Account Page Playing around with video. I’m not a video editor, so trust me. Until today, I have never done anything but click “export” when it comes to videos. This work is undoubtedly difficult, but I demonstrate what I mean in the video below.   To view this video, click the image: https://youtu.be/Bv4S4rwReRs Pretty, huh? To be honest, I’m completely incompetent at this. However, I am aware of how to improve WooCommerce so that LearnDash users can benefit much from it, which is why I made the video.   When you download and install the free Code Snippets plugin, this is the code you require. Keep the code safe. Put Snippets in Place. Next, select Import from the Snippets main menu. At that point, you should feed it the downloaded file.   Why is This so Powerful? It’s all about friction. When a user buys a LearnDash course using WooCommerce, they don’t know where to go afterwards because WooCommerce shows them a receipt. In a previous video I showed you how I use a custom thank you page redirection plugin to let them know they should go to the My Account page. Reducing friction improves consumer satisfaction. The friction that a new consumer has when they get lost is removed by what I just demonstrated to you. That’s not a problem with LearnDash. The reason for this is that the two events were not connected. For this reason, I enhanced WooCommerce with these three scripts to remove any obstacles and link the two on the My Account page. It’s absurd to imply that the only way to get around this friction is to use a different LMS plugin (particularly because doing so will make the LMS experience less enjoyable overall). Reducing friction improves consumer satisfaction.   LearnDash is the Market Leader for a Reason I am aware that I work for LearnDash every day. I may therefore appear biassed to you. You’re correct, too. not that I work there, though. To be clear, I could have bought any WordPress LMS plugin available on the market. I work for the Liquid Web team, and they provided me the finances and approval to choose and submit an offer. I’ve used and worked with all of them, but LearnDash was my first pick. I am biassed, of course. I believe that my initial decision to lead the team there, as well as my subsequent purchase and role-taking, were the proper ones.   We are the industry leader not because I choose it over the competition, but rather because educators and course designers have a long history of producing high-quality products. We are not merely producers of plugins capable of imitating other functionalities. Not just plugin developers agree that this is an excellent market for new product development. We are experts in LMS and online course development that are looking to enhance the WordPress environment with a fantastic offering. And from the beginning until the present, it has been the case. I adore WooCommerce. I also adore LearnDash. And they both collaborate rather well. Never allow anyone to mislead you.  
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Bonus Content Delivery

Are You Like Me? If you watch a lot of films, like I do, I wonder if you’re similar to me in that you wish there was some extra material accessible to see after the film ends. Yes, I simply want more films after viewing them through to the end. Interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and commentary are what I want. I desire everything. I want to demonstrate to you today how to fulfil the same needs of the people who purchase your courses. The Bonus Content I’m Talking About (& Not Talking About) To be clear, I’m not referring to the outdated stuff that you frequently see individuals pushing on you in an attempt to convince you to buy anything. Occasionally, landing pages with ten offers for supplementary content combined with the primary product are displayed. Examining that content attentively reveals that it is typically out-of-date information that has already been marketed as the “main” offering and is no longer relevant. Its only task now is to sound decent in the area dedicated to extra content. That is not what I am discussing. I am referring to the premium extra content that consumers desire. the things that entice others to spend more time with you. Additionally, we would like to make it available to them after the conclusion of your course (not before). Tools I’m Using To make this work, I’m using several WordPress plugins: LearnDash– for the course WooCommerce– for the cart FluentCRM– for the CRM WP Fusion– for content protection The amount of power these plugins combine is incredible, as is the range of things you can create if you know how to get it all to work. How It All Works Together So let’s begin with the basics. I started by making a course in LearnDash. This is a condensed version of my 21-lesson Telling Stories course, which I originally had. As I’ve previously mentioned, the reason I did that was because 21 classes is too much for a subject on which most people don’t want to become specialists. Then I used WooCommerce to create a product that you can purchase on my website. The best thing about utilising FluentCRM is that it interfaces with Woo’s product section directly, allowing me to tell it the tags to add for customers that purchase this product. I then begin developing my bonus content delivery mechanism with FluentCRM. There are two distinct automations shown. ID #4 is the first line where you see an email encouraging you. This email serves as a motivator for those who have finished six of the thirteen lessons. Additionally, it informs them that they will receive a unique incentive at the conclusion of the course. They are waiting for the automaton with ID #2. It only appears following the conclusion of the last lesson. That’s what sets it off. Additionally, the email provides a unique link to their supplementary content, which consists of eight extra classes in this example. The last step is using WordPress Fusion to prevent anyone without the appropriate tag from accessing the bonus content page. We check that users are logged in first. WP Fusion will look at FluentCRM and grab all of their tags after they log in. They will then compare their tags to the page’s specifications when they visit it. A Bonus Content Delivery System All of this sweetness culminates in an additional content delivery system. A reusable solution that can be applied to as many courses as I publish—two already exist, and four more are in the works. I’ll be working into the evenings to finish this and get ready for a new 2022, so it will be a hectic week.  
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